Pre-K 5

Clase de Scooby Doo

Ms. Mary Westerlind

Ms. Andrea Badin Fried
Asistente de Maestra

A Glance at Our Scooby Class

Boletín de la Clase

   Scooby Doo Newsletter

August 30 – September 3, 2021


THEME: My School and Friends



Vocabulary:                  friendship; cooperation; responsibility


Visual Perception & 

Reading Readiness:         Working on visual recognition of children’s names on their cubbies, name strips and ‘Job Board’. Various, theme related ‘Write the Room’, letter recognition and phonetic sounds activities.


Auditory Perception

& Listening:         Discussing the importance of our school, classroom and playground rules. Working on following directions and our listening comprehension skills.

Stories: “Forest Friends Go to School”; “Let’s Be Friends”; “David Goes to School”; “Best Friends”; “The Wizard, the Fairy and the Magic Chicken”; “You Can’t Go to School Naked” and “Splat the Cat”.


Visual Motor:         Writing our first names; stamping our names in play dough; working on our coloring, cutting and gluing skills; rolling dice, spinning spinners and writing activities.






Language:         “What’s in Your Bag?”; Discussing how and why it’s important to take care of our books and materials, clean up after ourselves, listen to our teachers and follow school rules.


Cognitive Skills:         Working on the concept of sequencing; before and after; reviewing colors and shapes.


Phonics:         The letter ”Nn” and it’s sound.

                                         ***We work on all letters and sounds      throughout the year but focus on a specific letter or letters, weekly.


Math and

Number Fun:                             Reviewing the numbers 0, 1 and 2 and their one-to-one correspondence.

                                            “How Many Days We’ve Been In School?” – We will begin to introduce the concepts: before and after; tallying; ten frames; even/odd; graphing and number lines.


Art:         The ‘Safari’ Scooby Class – our classroom bulletin board needs us!


Social Skills:         Discussing what it means to be a friend: sharing, helping, cooperating, compromising, apologizing, etc.


Items Needed

From Home:           ** We will need a standard 4”x 6” sized family photo (a copy is fine) that will be used next week (Sept. 710). Please print the names of your family members on a separate piece of paper, both may be sent to school in your child’s folder.


Reminders:         ~Please send a water bottle and your child’s folder in, DAILY. Please label water bottles (and any lunchboxes) with your child’s first and last names.


                                           ~If you are not on our ‘Scooby Class 21 – 22’ WhatsApp chat or need someone added/deleted, please let myself or Ms. Vanessa know.


                                           ~Please return the following ASAP:

                                                          – Contact Emergency Card (for classroom use only)

                                                          – Student Information Sheet

                                                          “What’s In Your Bag?” Please send your child’s bag  in as soon as possible.

                                                          ~ 4”x6” – A family picture and list of family members.


                                           ~Please send in $7.00 for your child’s Weekly Reader/Scholastic subscription.


***Please provide your child’s PIN #

to anyone picking up your child.

****Please notify the Office or put a note in your child’s folder if your child will be leaving with a schoolmate or another adult. I will not release your child to anyone that does not have permission or the correct PIN Number; this is for the safety of your child. Unfortunately, I can’t guarantee that I always have time to check my emails or texts during the day, sorry.


**Students can ONLY be dismissed to an adult and must be picked up by 2:30 p.m. to avoid a late charge.