Ms. Liz Caridad
Ms. Lotty Martinez
Asistente de Maestra
Un Vistazo a Nuestro Aula
Boletín de la Clase
Oral Language Development: To use new vocabulary in everyday communication.
Phonological Awareness: To begin to identify rhymes and rhyming sounds in familiar words, participate in rhyming games, and repeat rhyming songs and poems.
Letter Knowledge and Early Word Recognition: To associate the names of letters with their shapes. Letter of the week: Bb
Math: Counting concrete items. One-to-one correspondence. Review numbers 1 – 7.
Science: To use one or more senses to observe and learn about objects, events, and organisms. To compare objects and organisms and identify similarities and differences.
Social Studies: To share ideas and take turns listening and speaking. To begin to examine a situation from another person’s perspective.
Fine Arts: To participate in classroom music activities. To sing a variety of songs. To express feelings through movement.
Health/Safety: To refine use of eating utensils. To begin to recognize and select healthy foods.
Social/Emotional Development: To begin to share and cooperate with others in-group activities. To begin to express thoughts, feelings and ideas through language as well as through gestures and actions.
Physical Development: To begin to move in rhythm. To begin to participate in-group games involving movement.
Reminders: Spirit Week October 25-28. $5 donation to raise money to purchase iPads for wounded soldiers. Monday October 25 “Crazy Hair Day”, Tuesday Oct. 26 “Wear Sports Uniform”, Wednesday Oct. 27 “Pajama Day”, Thursday Oct 28 Costume for Trunk or Treating. Please send your child to school wearing a costume and a treat bag. Send a change of extra clothes to change them out of the costume. Friday Oct. 29 No School (Teacher Plan day).